Gardening and Honoring Heroes
Our sixth in a series of gardens in the Cameron Area takes us to South Pine Street in Cameron, the home of Steve and Sheila Medlam. Their garden is well-known as “the place across from the pool with the cannon.” Indeed, the first thing you see in their front yard is a monument to American military, complete with a tall flagpole, statues of a soldier and a cross, and the cannon. The cannon was purchased several years a go from Furniture Depot, when that business was still downtown.
Steve and Sheila moved to Cameron in the late 1990’s and raised their family here. They rented for a couple of years, then bought this house in 2000. They have steadily added to their collection of trees, flower beds, and plants each year. One tree in their back yard was a tiny sapling brought home from an elementary school Arbor Day event about 10 years ago. Some of their yellow iris came from Steve’s great-grandmother, some plants came from friends and co-workers, and others were purchased from greenhouses all around. They also love to collect rocks, sea shells, birdhouses, and yard sale and flea market finds. Some of the impressive sea shells came from Florida, where another grandmother lived in the 1970’s.
Sheila got her start gardening at the early age of five with her mother and neighbor, happily digging in dirt and planting flowers along with them. Neither Sheila nor Steve were ever in the military themselves, but they enjoy their tributes to Americana. They both speak highly of not only our military heroes, but their own personal heroes, their grandmothers, mothers, neighbors, and others who have influenced them. You really get a sense from visiting with them that these are people who have carefully selected and followed their role models in life, and have learned good lessons.
When asked about advice for other gardeners, Sheila promptly said, “Keep trying,” and Steve wryly added, “Squirrels can be challenging.” We thank them both for showing how to honor the true heroes in our lives.