
Parents Phillip Davis and Janay Boissoneau, of Kingston, would like to announce the birth of their son, River Michael Davis. River ­­was born at Cameron Regional Medical Center on June 9, 2021 at 7:24 a.m. and weighed 8 pounds 5.2 ounces and was 22.5 inches long. His maternal grandparents are...
“Still Crazy After All These Years” On April 3rd, 1971, in Williamsburg, Virginia, twenty-two-year-old local fireman James David Garrison succeeded in marrying Terry Ann Denton, the twenty-two-year-old math teacher at the high school that happened to be across the street from his fire station....
Margaret Anne Miller and Joel Snyder Hane, both of St. Joseph, Missouri, are engaged to be married. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Wayne and Margaret Miller of St. Joseph, Missouri.  She is a 2005 graduate of Bishop LeBlond High School, and a 2010 graduate of Missouri Western State University...
Parents James Perry Linder and Kristina Marie Souter would like to announce the birth of their son Jayce Russell Linder. Jayce was born at Cameron Regional Medical Center on December 2, 2020 at 10:11 a.m. and weighed 6 pounds and 12 ounces and was 19.25 inches long.  Jayce is welcomed into the home...
Barbara and Jeron Drager will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with an open house on Dec. 19th at their home 5960 NW Sale Barn Rd, Cameron beginning at 3 pm. The couple was married at the First Christian Church in Cameron with the Rev. Pete Newby presiding. The couple met after Jeron...
DUE TO HEALTH CONCERNS: The Cameron Food Pantry will be distributing food by appointment only, on Mondays and Wednesdays 8:30-11 a.m. until further notice. Food and monetary donations will be greatly appreciated. The Cameron Clothes Closet will be open on Thursdays 3-6 p.m. and 2nd and 4th...
Allynn Weigand of rural Weatherby, will be celebrating her 90th birthday, July 9th.  Family is hosting a card shower to celebrate Allynn’s birthday.  Cards may be sent to  Allynn at 1385 SE Santa Rosa Rd.  Weatherby, MO 64497
Keith and Deloris Brunner of Cameron are happy to announce the upcoming wedding of their daughter, Emily Yvonne Brunner to Colten Michael Beck, son of Michael and Sherry Beck of Gallatin.  Emily is a graduate of Lathrop High School and Northwest Missouri State University. She earned a Bachelor of...
Jim and Debbie Cochenour are celebrating fifty-five years of marriage on June 6. They were united in 1965 at Hale, MO. They have two daughters, Dawn Estes (Ray Estes) and Kris Smith (Mike Smith), both of Cameron. Five grandchildren and one great-grandson  


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