
In my first editorial as Editor for the C-O I shared the “little realized” truth that voters have ‘THE LAST WORD” on how the state of Missouri will move forward on a series of issues before them, all of which are important, and some with actual life and death consequences. Amendment 3:  The most...
A common complaint dietitians hear when meeting new clients is the dislike of vegetables.  We all know that vegetables are an important source of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates.  They’re part of a healthy diet, help with weight loss, and reduce risks of chronic diseases such as heart...
If you’ve had an IRA or 401(k) for a long time, you’re probably pretty familiar with the rules governing withdrawals and contributions – because, for the most part, they haven’t changed in years. And you may also know what’s going to happen to your IRA if you leave it to someone as part of your...
Sue Manion and Georgia Drager-Animal Advocates
A solution to the dog and cat problem has eluded Cameron for a long, long time. We’ve had a 1950’s dog shelter for years and unsuccessful efforts have been made to replace or upgrade it. The animals have not had a greater champion than Sue Manion. Back in 1997 she started the “Safe Haven” project...
The City Council election is over and many Cameron citizens will now be asking themselves, what comes next. Unfortunately, too often, after an election, whether your candidate won or lost, people in smaller towns, do nothing. They sit back and wait, wait to see what comes next, wait to see if the...
5 questions we should ask ourselves before the upcoming city council election   1)  Why have our city councils struggled for four decades to repair our roads and provide funds for police protection?   Police and streets are getting increasingly expensive to provide. Further, they are not self-...
Dear Reader, Two members of the Missouri General Assembly appeared before the Commission last Wednesday at its meeting in Jefferson City to plead on behalf of their constituents for improvements to bridges within their district. Hurray for them. The Commission can speak publicly about Missouri’s...

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