Letters to the Editor
Bring back town hall meetings and candidate debates
Dear editor,
I write to you today to suggest that Cameron needs more town hall style meetings and the return of candidate debates. I have watched the news reports coming from the Cameron city council on how they've been engaging with and...
Fellow Americans,
We have all seen the video of the death of George Floyd while in police custody. The Minneapolis Police Department took swift action against the officers involved and the city prosecutor filed criminal charges on them. The way I see it, the system is working as designed. ...
During Monday night’s (Nov. 5) council meeting, when economic development was being discussed, each council person was asked what they thought.
Mrs. Curtis passed when first approached and later complained that the other three city people attending the Economic Development of Cameron organization...
City of Kidder LLC?
Well last week, I attended the city Aldermen meeting for Kidder and well to be honest I was a bit surprised. Though I had heard about what goes on at the meetings, I had read what went on, but I never would have believed it if I had not gone. One of the topics of discussion was...
Dear Editor:
With the passing of a national holiday celebrating what would have been the 88th birthday of our most recognized civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., I am remind of one of his most inspiring quotes: “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter”.
Dear Editor,
The following is the speech that I gave at the Clinton County Planning and Zoning Board meeting on January 22, 2016 that I would like to share with your readers.
Mr. Chairman, members of the board,
Mary Jo Sloan, and I have lived in Clinton County for all of my life. I want to thank...
The Missouri Beef Industry Council (MBIC) wants to raise the Beef Checkoff Missouri cattle producers pay from $1 per head to $2 per head. This would mean Missouri cattle farmers would be paying over $4 million every year in beef checkoff fees.
Missouri cattle producers can register to vote on this...
To the parents of Cameron,
In my professional life I have served on a Presidential Task Force to provide recommendations to the President of the United States of America. In doing so I have personally witnessed the destructive and divisive political process that defines what so many despise about...
To the editor,
The City of Cameron has had a public swimming pool continuously since 1938. Our current pool is 33 years old and will need to be replaced soon. With the defeat of the recent tax proposal, for the first time in 77 years, the City of Cameron is now facing the very real possibility of...