Local Announcements

Missouri Lieutenant Governor Mike Kehoe will be in Cameron on July 25th to join the celebration for Neva Woody and Amy Ford for their support of the Cameron Veterans Home. Their donations over the years have greatly contributed to the excellent veteran’s facility here. The celebration is hosted by...
Cheyanne Rose Davis and Sam Utah Carl Parker IV would like to announce the birth of their son Sam Utah Carl Parker V.  Sam Utah Carl Parker V was born on April 20, 2020 at 9:22 a.m. and weighed six pounds nine ounces and nineteen and a quarter inches long.  He is welcomed into the home by sisters...
Join us to celebrate Weegee Coffman's 90th birthday! Sunday, December 22nd, 2:00-4:00 pm at the Federated Church in Hamilton. Cake and punch will be provided, everyone is welcome!
Thursday, September 13, Cameron Regional Medical Center hosted a Farm to Fork class. Roughly 10 area residents participated in the educational event. The purpose of the class is to discuss our relationship with food as a society and as individuals. The class emphasized moderation in portions and...

My Cameron News

BB Highway
P.O. Box 498
Cameron, MO 64429
PHONE: (816) 632-6543
FAX: (816) 632-4508
Email: editor@mycameronnews.com

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