Local News
Voice of Democracy- “Is America Today Our Forefathers’ Vision”
1st Place-Jocelyn DeVorss
“My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” – John F. Kennedy
“Is America Today Our Forefathers’ Vision?” That is the question that was presented and...
By Mark McLaughlin
Editor’s note: Space is at a premium in the print edition, so between publications, news doesn’t stop and items for your consideration don’t stop either. So we’ll be placing news updates here on developing stories, and provide more opinion on the news of...
After crushing their previous two opponents 105-0, the Cameron High School Dragon Football Team found itself on the receiving end of a blowout - 42-22 - to the St. Pius X Warriors.
Trailing 13-6 at halftime, the Warriors opened up a third-quarter salvo with a 90-yard kickoff return, a 78-yard pick-...
The Cameron Household Hazardous Waste Collection and Storage Facility opened on May 9th. The facility is open from 8:00 am –12:00 pm on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month.
The facility will operate from May through October. The facility is located at 1100 West Eighth Street. The location is...
After more than a decade on the diamond, the reality there may not be a baseball season for the Cameron Dragons is setting in for senior Mason Hammond.
Hammond, along with brother Graden Hammond, Ian Riley and Coleman Oxford gritted through the cold as they gathered inside the batting cages outside...
Cameron Veterans Memorial Golf Course, established in 1945 and located at 1000 Park Avenue, is the 2nd Chamber Business Spotlight for March. The Clubhouse is managed by Kevin Nichols along with Ground & Maintenance Manager, Tim Faulk.
The golf course offers an 18 hole, grass green, course...
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Kenneth Laverne Madison was born on a farm south of Bethany. After high school graduation he and some friends went to California and found work at full-service gas stations.
He was drafted in the spring of 1943 and took basic training in North Carolina. After basic he was assigned to...
Warrior Outdoors began, and is based in Jefferson, Georgia. The Missouri Chapter is headquartered in Cameron.
Young men and women in the military often encounter very stressful situations. While they are trained very well for combat, they are mostly unprepared for the emotional situations they will...
The Cameron Park Board unveiled the first concepts of a proposed city park and complete overhaul of the Cameron Municipal Pool.
During Thursday’s park board meeting, Vireo Landscape Architect Steve Rhodes presented the first concept of the new proposed park while the board circulated the first...