Cameron’s HEADSTART Program
The Cameron Headstart Program operates in the completely old Cameron Hospital. The entrance is located on the northwest corner of the west building, under the canopy.
Facility manager Susan Glazebook and her staff has done an excellent job of remodeling the building and providing spacious, well-equipped learning areas. The program operates in coordination with the Community Action Partnership of Greater St. Joseph.
There are currently 31 children served by the program in a variety of age groups. The facility serves children 0-2, 2-3, and 3-5. They offer both classrooms and playrooms, including a colorful and inviting outdoor play area.
Youngsters and their families qualify under a point-system based on income levels and special needs. Priority is given to homeless families.
The program assures that the children receive well-balanced meals including special diets, programs which help develop learning skills and imaginations. They provide child care needs, an allergy alert staff member, and clothing. The purpose is to give the child a head start in life which families are not always able to provide. In addition, they provide support for the families of the child.
The assistance for families includes helping parents obtain their GED, connection with education opportunities and acquiring jobs. They also provide assistance in scheduling doctor appointments. They encourage community involvement resources and schedule family “fun nights”.
The program includes a screening process for employees and volunteers including a background check and training.
The program seeks a variety of donations from organizations and the public. They are always in need of age-appropriate clothing including socks and underwear as well as coats and mittens for the winter months. Other needs include diapers and food items, in addition to cash.
The program helps children get off on the right foot in life and their education. It is the type of program which offers both short-term and lifetime benefits for these beautiful and full of life children.
The program may be reached at 816-233-8281.