Kingdom Builders starts recovery program
The Kingdom Builders Church located in Cameron, Missouri has opened a recovery home for those who are struggling with addiction, or those who have been incarcerated.
Gary Phillips and his wife Barb currently live in Cameron, Missouri, and are currently running a Christian- based church in town. Phillips and his wife strive to interact with those who are struggling and need help whether it is battling addiction, hitting rock bottom, or struggling with having no place to go. The recovery home involves several beds, a living room, and a kitchen, where they will have a chance to settle down and start the program. The recovery home is set up like an apartment with a supervisor who will monitor them.
Gary and his wife introduced a recovery aftercare program SOZA. The program is a twelve-month based residential aftercare mentoring program focused on people with biblical values to save, heal, deliver, and make whole again, allowing them a safe place to get back on their feet. The program includes an Overcomer’s 12-step program involving individualized studies that focus on areas such as anger, addictions, suicide and character building, GED studies, Bible studies, training in work habits and work ethics, life skills such as managing a budget, checkbook, paying bills, and how to work with other people, being committed to a job and family, and how to function in the real world as a responsible individual. Barb and Gary suggest, “Without these basic life skills, they fail to stay away from addiction because they cannot manage an everyday life.” Gary says.
“We currently work with inmates that come directly from jail or prison, and we help them get back on their feet and more equipped for a fresh start. We also have worked with the prison ministries and jail with people who have struggled with addiction for many years.” Gary says.
Gary states, “I was once in their shoes.” Gary has been sober for 50 years and has started this program to help others. As someone who is Christian based, “your relationship with God is important. We try to put back into people what God’s put into us.” Gary says.